Good Mood Food
Coffee in one hand, confidence in the other. And when you make it MOCHA OVERNIGHT OATS amped with ingredients to improve gut health, that’s winning breakfast AND the week.
It’s officially week two in the new city and new job. Moving across the country from Chicago to Austin is kinda a big deal. And stress is sorta an everyday occurrence these days with moments of, “OMG my GPS isn’t working and I have no idea how to get home from work!” and, “where did we put ANY of our frying pans?”. Stress isn’t just impacting me though, it’s at an all-time high in the U.S. And I’m going to let you in on a little secret: the right foods, can improve your mood. Yup, there’s increasing evidence that there is a direct link between food and mood – specifically, gut health and mental health. Get the dEATs on gut health and find recipes for some sweet treats to boost that mood.
I’ve always been an advocate for the “eat real food movement” and couldn’t be happier that science is supporting the notion behind “you are what you eat”. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, every system in the body can be impacted by chronic stress and if this stress is not released, it could suppress the immune system and lead to illness – everything from mental illness such as depression to immune system illnesses such as arthritis. And get this – with more than 300 million people suffering from depression worldwide, it’s not the leading cause of disability.
So what’s the connection between your food and your mood? According to Harvard Medical School, 90% of serotonin receptors are located in the gut. And serotonin is often called the “happy chemical” because it contributes to happiness and wellbeing. When the balance of good and bad bacteria is disrupted in your gut, that’s when issues occur. Studies show that eating a healthy diet (such as the Mediterranean diet) and avoiding inflammatory foods could help keep your gut bacteria in balance and protect it against depression.
Here’s the tricky part though – everyone has a unique microbiome or balance of gut bacteria. So there isn’t a simple solution. But here are a few ways to improve gut and mood:
Good Mood Food
1.) Eat whole fruits and vegetables rather than juices to get all the good fibers to aid digestion.
2.) Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet with tricks like adding cinnamon to your morning coffee or latte rather than sweetener.
3.) Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles and kefir into your diet.
If all of this sounds like a lot – it is. Gut health is complicated…and unique to everyone. One new discovery that’s making gut health a heckuva lot easier is Uplift. It’s a dietary supplement of gut healthy prebiotic fibers and resistant starches that nourish the probiotics in your gut, lifting your mood and making your mouth happy with a creamy vanilla flavor. You can add it to everything from your morning smoothie to pancakes. And below you’ll find two of the recipes I created to get the most out of your mood and your food! Read on for the recipes and enjoy the lift!
Mocha Overnight Protein Oats
Serves: 2
-1 C of raw, old-fashioned oats
-2 T chia seeds
-1 scoop of Uplift (or substitute vanilla protein powder of choice)
-1/2 C of Apres Sea Salt Chocolate Protein Drink (or substitute chocolate almond milk)
-6 T of cold brew or strong coffeeDirections:
Add all of the ingredients to a mason jar, stir to combine, refrigerate overnight and enjoy in the morning! Option to top with chocolate chips.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Nice Cream
Serves: 2
Peanut Butter Nice Cream
-2 bananas, frozen (peel and cut into chunks before freezing)
-1 scoop of Uplift
-1/8 C almond or coconut milk
-1/4 C natural peanut butter
-pinch of sea salt
-1/2 T maple syrup (optional)
Strawberry Chia Jam
-3 1/2 C of strawberries, quartered
-4 T maple syrup
-2 T chia seeds
-squeeze of lemon juice
Step 1: Make the strawberry chia jam by adding the strawberries and maple syrup to a small pot over medium heat on the stove top. Stir to combine and continue heating until bubbling. Once bubbling, mash the strawberries, then add the chia seeds and stir to combine. Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until thickened. Remove from the heat and give it a squeeze of lemon. Allow to cool.
Step 2: Make the peanut butter nice cream by adding the ingredients to a food processor. Blend until smooth and place in a small mixing bowl.
Step 3: Swirl into the peanut butter nice cream as much of the strawberry chia jam as you’d like. Serve immediately as soft serve nice cream or place in the freezer if you prefer a hand-scooped texture. Option to top with additional jam and granola, as shown.
