• Pancake Pizza Mash-Up

    Pancake Pizza - Sliced

    Pancake meets pizza. A love child is born. And I’m smitten. Pancake pizza is my latest brainchild fueled by too much coffee and too many fresh berries. What’s a girl to do but find a way to put that caffeinated energy to use in developing a simple morning treat that you and kiddos will love! This pancake pizza features my favorite oatmeal blender pancakes smothered with crunchy pecan butter, homemade jam, fresh berries and a drizzle of syrup. It’s that easy! Slice into the recipe details and more ideas for toppers below.

  • Good Mood Food

    gut health

    Coffee in one hand, confidence in the other. And when you make it MOCHA OVERNIGHT OATS amped with ingredients to improve gut health, that’s winning breakfast AND the week.

    It’s officially week two in the new city and new job. Moving across the country from Chicago to Austin is kinda a big deal. And stress is sorta an everyday occurrence these days with moments of, “OMG my GPS isn’t working and I have no idea how to get home from work!” and, “where did we put ANY of our frying pans?”. Stress isn’t just impacting me though, it’s at an all-time high in the U.S. And I’m going to let you in on a little secret: the right foods, can improve your mood. Yup, there’s increasing evidence that there is a direct link between food and mood – specifically, gut health and mental health. Get the dEATs on gut health and find recipes for some sweet treats to boost that mood.

  • June Favorites

    June favorites

    Serendipity is finding exactly what you’re looking for, without looking for it. Like this mural I happened upon while wandering Logan Square. It was serendipitous that 1.) the wall perfectly matched my fav new heels and 2.) it started pouring 2 seconds after this photo was taken. When it rains it pours and June was jam-packed with a flurry of activity. It’s those moments of joy before you even know what’s coming at you that make the journey though. Let’s flashback to a few of my June favorites over the last month below.

  • Pop it like it’s hot

    paleo pop tarts

    Poppin’ these paleo pop tarts like I’m back in the 5th grade skipping down the street with my Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper in clean white Keds. Except these aren’t your average sugar laden pop tarts. Made with clean ingredients so you can happily snack while you Skip-It. Totally aging myself at this point, but if you want to take a trip down memory lane, check out the dEATs for these Paleo Pop Tarts with Strawberry Chia Jam.