• Loco for Lentils

    tex mex lentil

    Uno, dos, tres…cuatro cinco seis days ’til cinco de mayo! I may not remember 80% of my h.s. spanish, but I can muster up enough spanglish to say that I’m loco for these tex mex lentils – especially when I can whip up a big ‘ole batch to make 3 different cinco de mayo dishes. Read on to learn more about these protein powerhouses and to get the recipes for these Tex Mex lentil tacos, stuffed bell peppers and more!

  • Whole30 Survival Guide: Part Two

    Whole30 Diet Plan

    It’s Day 6 of January Whole30 and by this point, the shiny newness is starting to wear off and you’re wondering – how will I literally survive? Reality check: these are first world problems, friends and YOU WILL SURVIVE. The challenge is only 30 days. And at some point, you’ll reach that breakthrough point when you actually BELIEVE yourself when you say, “I got this!”. Last week I shared some of the basic rules of Whole30, a meal plan and some recipes to get you started. This week, I’ll share some further tips along with the remaining recipes from the meal plan to help you over the hump. Read on for the tips, tricks and recipes.

  • Veggie Pow

    Dear Monday, I refuse to let you be boring. And this Kung Pao Veggie Fried rice delivers just the pow needed to kick start the week. Salty, spicy, sweet…need I say more? Cauliflower rice is anything but new – this version of veggie fried rice is all about the scintillating sauce…and the summer vegetables like sweet corn, yellow squash and zucchini that give this healthy version of takeout a fresh twist.  Soak up this sauce and the last drops of summer with the recipe below.