Whole30 Reflections
Okay, okay so I said my last post was the “Final Frontier” for Whole30, but I couldn’t help but bask in the glow for one last post on Day 28. Because on Day 28 I’m feeling…pretty great. Sure, it was one helluva rollercoaster (even the second time around), but I’m feeling high as a kite with the end in sight. Also….I’ve apparently turned into Dr. Seuss. I’ll spare you any more rhymes, but I do have a few more recipes up my sleeve, including green (deviled) eggs! Read on for a flurry of new recipes and some final reflections on Whole30.
Earlier this month when I set out to do Whole30, I was actually planning to start with Whole30 for 10 days, Paleo for 10 days and Keto for 10 days to understand the hype behind these “diets”. But at day 10, it hit me that I’d be quitting on the exact day that people are most likely to quite Whole30. And I’m no quitter. So here we are, Day 28 and feeling like an Energizer Bunny with all of these good habits finally paying off. It certainly wasn’t easy…and it’s intimidating for a reason. But the pay-off is pretty amazing. Before I forget this magical moment, here are a few of my reflections on Whole30:
1.) It’s called Whole30 for a reason…it’s not intended to be sustained long-term.
Notice how Whole30 isn’t called a diet? That’s because it’s a program intended to dramatically shift your mindset, eliminate cravings and help to identify foods that are potentially inflammatory. The intent is always to return to a normal diet. But through a slow reintroduction of the off limits foods, you’re able to decipher which foods, if any,d don’t agree with your unique biome. For me, I’ve noticed that both refined sugars and dairy give me acne like a teenager. On Whole30, my skin always glows, so I’ve made small changes to eat Greek yogurt and cheese on occasion and have mostly switched to non-dairy milks like almond and coconut milk. And sugar is something that I still watch on ingredient labels. Do I still eat donuts? You bet. But it’s more on occasion and only when it’s really worth it (sorry gas station donuts, you don’t do it for me).
2.) Snacks go from auto-pilot to…auto reject.
We all know that moment around 3pm, tapping away on that keyboard, when we mindlessly reach for something to break up the monotony. It doesn’t really matter what – something with a crunch or a jolt of sugar to keep those fingers tapping along until the 5 o’clock bell. Whether we’re enthralled or bored out of our minds, it’s almost like an internal alarm that screams, “it’s snack-o-clock” whether we’re hungry or not. The beauty of Whole30, is that it sorta takes the fun out of snacking. In a good way. It makes us THINK FIRST before reaching. And more often than not, I’ve found myself rejecting that notion for a snack because if my option is chomping on more carrots – meh, I’ll pass.
3.) From wine-o to….why, no thanks.
Over the holidays I got into some serious bad habits with all the holiday parties, stress of work and generally being holed up with the cold temps. Every night was a glass of wine and chocolate…and sometimes a double. It got to be robotic and almost not enjoyable. I actually thought giving up wine would be the hardest part of Whole30, but it’s surprising how satisfying it is to enjoy a hot cup of tea or some bubbly kombucha…then wake up feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Don’t get me wrong, I will FOR SURE be imbibing when I’m in Mexico next weekend, but I will enjoy it…and then return to that cozy cup ‘o tea while watching The Bachelor.
My final takeaway is that EATING WELL IS SO MUCH MORE FREEING. I don’t feel the need to make up for a night of purging on pizza with an intense workout…I’m 100% content with days of rest because I know that I’m taking care of my body from the inside out. I also appreciate those donut Fridays that much more when they’re an infrequent celebration vs a regular routine. I’m also not overwhelmed with choices or guilt when I have a plan in mind to start the day (or week) with healthy meals. I find when I start my day eating well, it sets the tone for continuing those habits throughout the day.
Cheers to continuing these habits long after Whole30. For some inspo, check out a few of my latest Whole30 favs!
Curried Avocado Chicken Salad
Serves: 2
-1 C of cooked chicken breast, diced & seasoned with lemon pepper
-1 avocado, mashed
-1 apple, diced
-1-2 stalks of celery, diced
-3 T raisins
-1 tsp curry powder
-2 tsp water
-1/8 tsp saltDirections:
Step 1: Combine the diced chicken breast, apple, celery and raisins in a medium mixing bowl.
Step 2: In a small bowl, mix together the mashed avocado, curry powder, salt and water.
Step 3: Add the curried avocado to the medium mixing bowl, stirring with the apples, celery and raisins to combine. Option to eat as-is or serve in lettuce cups*. If not doing Whole30, serve with crackers or prepare in a sandwich.*Note that while shown in cups of radicchio, recommend using butter lettuce since radicchio can be too bitter and overwhelm the flavors. Sometimes, radicchio is all you’ve got on hand though!
Lemon Blueberry Chia Pudding
Serves: 3
Lemon Chia Pudding
-1 can of full-fat coconut milk
-1 lemon
-1/4 C chia seeds
-1/4 tsp turmeric (for color)
-pinch of salt
-3 T date syrup (see below, or sub maple syrup if not doing Whole30)
Date Syrup
– 1 C of Medjool dates
– 1 1/2 C of water
– 1 tsp lemon juice
-1 pint of blueberries
-optional: sliced almondsDirections:
Step 1: Prepare the date syrup by placing the pitted Medjool dates in a food processor with the water and lemon juice. Pulse until smooth and the consistency of syrup. Place in a mason jar to store.
Step 2: Make the chia pudding by adding the zest and juice of the lemon to a medium mixing bowl. Add the remaining chia pudding ingredients and mix well with a whisk or immersion blender until combined. Transfer to a sealed mason jar and place in the fridge overnight to set.
Step 3: Once the chia pudding is set, serve in a small glass with blueberries and optional almond slices on top.
Turmeric Avocado Deviled Eggs
Servings: 6 Deviled Egg Halves
-6 hard-boiled eggs; recommend Vital Farms pasture-raised eggs for higher omega-3 levels
-1 tsp turmeric
-1 tsp apple cider vinegar
-1 avocado, mashed
-1/4 tsp salt
-1/8 tsp pepper
-paprika to garnishDirections:
Step 1: Slice the hard-boiled eggs in half then carefully scoop out the yolk using a teaspoon, placing the yolk in a medium mixing bowl.
Step 2: To the medium mixing bowl, adding the remaining ingredients through the pepper. Mix to combine.
Step 3: Place the turmeric avocado mixture in a sandwich bag, snipping one corner with a kitchen shears. Press the avocado mixture towards the snipped corner and pipe the mixture into the cavity of the egg halves. Garnish with a sprinkle of paprika and enjoy!
Golden Milk Matcha Latte
Serves: 1
– 1 1/2 C almond or coconut milk
-3/4 tsp ground turmeric
-1/8 tsp ground ginger
-1/8 tsp ground cinnamon
-1/2 T coconut oil (recommend Pearl Butter Glow Getter)
-pinch of ground better
-1 scoop of Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen *
Step 1: Heat the almond or coconut milk in the microwave or the stove top until warmed (about 2 minutes in the microwave or 5 minutes over the stop top).
Step 2: Add the warmed milk and the remaining ingredients to a blender and mix until combined. Enjoy!*I love Vital Proteins collagen for the antioxidant rich matcha and collagen, which is easy to digest and absorb. Collagen has been shown to improve hair, skin, nails, joints, ligaments and tendons.
Cashew Ricotta & Smoked Salmon Cucumber Sliders
Servings: 12 slices
-1 cucumber, sliced
-1 package of smoked salmon
-1/2 red onion, small diced
Cashew Ricotta
-1 1/2 C cashews, soaked overnight (or at least 4 hours)
-1/2 C water
-1 T apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
-1 clove of garlic
-2 T nutritional yeast
-dash of onion powder, salt and pepperDirections:
Step 1: Prepare the cashew ricotta by placing all of the ricotta ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until smooth and creamy. Place in a small bowl.
Step 2: Prep the cucumber sliders by spoon 1 T of ricotta on each slice. Top with a 1-2 inch slice of smoked salmon roll and a few diced onion pieces. Enjoy as an appetizer or snack.
