living your best life Archives - The Shooks Life Food, Fitness, Fashion and my Furbaby Sun, 30 Dec 2018 22:46:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 living your best life Archives - The Shooks Life 32 32 145780105 Here’s Looking at You, 2018! Sun, 30 Dec 2018 18:00:12 +0000 This is the true story of a small-town girl who picked to live in a big city, and put her life on social media, to find out what happens when she starts a blog and sh*t starts getting real. Thank YOU for coming along on this journey with me around the sun. It’s that time of year to rest…and reflect on our epic presence. Yes, YOUR epic presence, too. Whether 2018 seemed like the best year yet or pretty meh, I promise there is a lot to be grateful for. Sometimes you just need to look a bit hard. Read on for the positive affirmations I’ll be taking with me into 2019 and tips on setting your best intentions for another amazing year. Holy Nikes 2018 was a BIG year! I took a leap of faith 8 months ago and launched The Shooks Life. I traded teaching spin for exploring more fitness gems across the city, started developing my own recipes and actually made it in the top 20 for a national recipe contest (recipe here) and started simplifying my life by moving from a 4-bedroom house to a 2-bedroom apartment. And that my friends, is going to continue to be my mantra for 2019: Do more things that set you free, and less that hold you down. Here are the affirmations that will be my guiding light in 2019: 1.) Let’s STOP priding ourselves in how busy we are and START bragging about how little we have to do. 2.) Let’s START making room for things that matter and STOP adding things that don’t. 3..) Let’s STOP making oodles of resolutions we won’t keep and START taking action towards one. 4.) Let’s START being content with what we have and STOP being envious of the things we don’t. 5.) Let’s STOP the outward comparison and START the obsession with loving ourselves. Now it’s your turn to put your mark on 2019. What will your legacy be in the coming year? And if “legacy” feels a bit over dramatic, think about how your recap will read at the end of next year. Getting started is the first step. Your welcome. Genius, I know. Read on for a few less obvious steps to setting your intentions for an epic 2019. Setting Up 2019 to Be the Most Epic Year, Yet! Step 1: Envision your best day ever. What time do you wake up? Where are you? Who are you with and what do you do that makes your heart swell? If you’re working, what are you doing? How would you sustain this lifestyle? Details matter! Write that sh*t down. Step 2: What values light you up? What are the words or feelings that describe your best day ever? These are the values that you seek. For me, it was “Free”, “Inspired” “Challenged” and “Connected”. Try to keep it to single words, active words to drive specificity and focus. Step 3: Create a mood board. Yes, this will require either the old school approach of cutting out pictures from magazines or using the Google images search. Include images that reflect your best day every and those values. This will serve two purposes: 1.) it can be a reminder throughout the year of your goals and 2.) ask someone else to look at the mood board and describe it to see if there’s any values you may have missed. Perhaps someone else will look at your board and say ‘woah’ there’s a lot of movement and activity. Maybe you’re someone who needs to live an “Active” life. Or maybe it’s the polar opposite and exuding “Calm” is your thing. Step 4: Set 3 goals that will help you live those values. First Goal: How can you exude those values today, in your current profession? What more can you do within the present constraints? Second Goal: How could you exude those values tomorrow, perhaps in another profession or role? What would you being doing outside of the present constraints to sustain a life you love? Third Goal: How could you exude those values without any constraints? What if money was endless and you could do whatever you wanted, wherever you wanted, with whomever you wanted? Step 5: Make a game plan. Write down at least three specific steps that will help you achieve each of those goals. What ACTIONS do you need to take to get closer to those goals? What RESOURCES do you need to get there? WHO can help you get there? Be specific, action-oriented and set deadlines for each of those steps. I know, dreaded deadlines. But if it’s not measurable, there isn’t accountability. And YOU are the only one that is in charge of your future. So take charge! If it’s helpful, use the START, STOP and CONTINUE framework. What do you need to START doing, what should you STOP doing and what should you CONTINUE to do to achieve these goals? Now start setting those intentions! Cheers to living, breathing and ACTING upon these mantras in 2019! And if you ever need accountability, your girl has your back! Feel free to comment below with your goals or one thing you’ll stop, start and continue below. Writing it down is the first step towards accountability. Thanks again for coming along on this journey. There is SO MUCH MORE to come in 2019!

The post Here’s Looking at You, 2018! appeared first on The Shooks Life.


This is the true story of a small-town girl who picked to live in a big city, and put her life on social media, to find out what happens when she starts a blog and sh*t starts getting real. Thank YOU for coming along on this journey with me around the sun. It’s that time of year to rest…and reflect on our epic presence. Yes, YOUR epic presence, too. Whether 2018 seemed like the best year yet or pretty meh, I promise there is a lot to be grateful for. Sometimes you just need to look a bit hard. Read on for the positive affirmations I’ll be taking with me into 2019 and tips on setting your best intentions for another amazing year.img_9685

Holy Nikes 2018 was a BIG year! I took a leap of faith 8 months ago and launched The Shooks Life. I traded teaching spin for exploring more fitness gems across the city, started developing my own recipes and actually made it in the top 20 for a national recipe contest (recipe here) and started simplifying my life by moving from a 4-bedroom house to a 2-bedroom apartment. And that my friends, is going to continue to be my mantra for 2019: Do more things that set you free, and less that hold you down.

Here are the affirmations that will be my guiding light in 2019:

1.) Let’s STOP priding ourselves in how busy we are and START bragging about how little we have to do.

2.) Let’s START making room for things that matter and STOP adding things that don’t.

3..) Let’s STOP making oodles of resolutions we won’t keep and START taking action towards one.

4.) Let’s START being content with what we have and STOP being envious of the things we don’t.

5.) Let’s STOP the outward comparison and START the obsession with loving ourselves.

Now it’s your turn to put your mark on 2019. What will your legacy be in the coming year? And if “legacy” feels a bit over dramatic, think about how your recap will read at the end of next year. Getting started is the first step. Your welcome. Genius, I know. Read on for a few less obvious steps to setting your intentions for an epic 2019.


Setting Up 2019 to Be the Most Epic Year, Yet!

Step 1: Envision your best day ever. What time do you wake up? Where are you? Who are you with and what do you do that makes your heart swell? If you’re working, what are you doing? How would you sustain this lifestyle? Details matter! Write that sh*t down.

Step 2: What values light you up? What are the words or feelings that describe your best day ever? These are the values that you seek. For me, it was “Free”, “Inspired” “Challenged” and “Connected”. Try to keep it to single words, active words to drive specificity and focus.

Step 3: Create a mood board. Yes, this will require either the old school approach of cutting out pictures from magazines or using the Google images search. Include images that reflect your best day every and those values. This will serve two purposes: 1.) it can be a reminder throughout the year of your goals and 2.) ask someone else to look at the mood board and describe it to see if there’s any values you may have missed. Perhaps someone else will look at your board and say ‘woah’ there’s a lot of movement and activity. Maybe you’re someone who needs to live an “Active” life. Or maybe it’s the polar opposite and exuding “Calm” is your thing.

Step 4: Set 3 goals that will help you live those values. First Goal: How can you exude those values today, in your current profession? What more can you do within the present constraints? Second Goal: How could you exude those values tomorrow, perhaps in another profession or role? What would you being doing outside of the present constraints to sustain a life you love? Third Goal: How could you exude those values without any constraints? What if money was endless and you could do whatever you wanted, wherever you wanted, with whomever you wanted?

Step 5: Make a game plan. Write down at least three specific steps that will help you achieve each of those goals. What ACTIONS do you need to take to get closer to those goals? What RESOURCES do you need to get there? WHO can help you get there? Be specific, action-oriented and set deadlines for each of those steps. I know, dreaded deadlines. But if it’s not measurable, there isn’t accountability. And YOU are the only one that is in charge of your future. So take charge! If it’s helpful, use the START, STOP and CONTINUE framework. What do you need to START doing, what should you STOP doing and what should you CONTINUE to do to achieve these goals?

Now start setting those intentions! Cheers to living, breathing and ACTING upon these mantras in 2019! And if you ever need accountability, your girl has your back! Feel free to comment below with your goals or one thing you’ll stop, start and continue below. Writing it down is the first step towards accountability.

Thanks again for coming along on this journey.

There is SO MUCH MORE to come in 2019!

The post Here’s Looking at You, 2018! appeared first on The Shooks Life.

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Self-Care Sunday…and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Mon, 01 Oct 2018 01:00:14 +0000 Some days you go to the gym and eat salads, Sundays you eat Fruity Pebble cookies and don’t put pants on. You gotta nourish to flourish, ya know? It’s another SMonday…that time when it stops feeling like Sunday, and starts feeling like Monday. All that weight and baggage can be heavy. And so there’s a reason we call it “Self-Care Sunday”. But what about all the others days of the week? Are we treating ourselves like sh*t day in day out? What if we practiced a little more positivity, a little more self love and care…each and every day of the week? In this week’s post, I’m sharing some of my favorite practices for adding a little more positivity to every day. Because you deserve it! What spurred all of this yearning for a bit more self-care was a healthy dose of madness this month. Starting a new role at work, while playing double duty with my old role, annual review season and selling our house had me brimming with businessness and yearning for…less. Less noise, less negativity and less of the stuff that wasn’t adding value to my everyday. So I made a choice. To not get lost in the madness. To not get overwhelmed. And to focus on a practice of positivity. Here are my top 5 tips. I hope this helps bring a bit more joy in your day as we face a new week and new month. Top 10 Tips for Living a Life of Positivity….Every Day of the Week 1.) Write Yourself Love Letters: Nope, not the kind that you silently passed to the boy (or girl) next to you in middle school. The kind that set the tone for a kick *ss day. Notes like, “I can do all the things” or “Everything always works out for me.” I like to put post-its at my desk as a reminder that “Hey, I got this!”. Or, you can use these little love memos as the labels for your daily alarm (as shown above). Who likes to wake up to, “Alarm”?That just gives me all the heebies jeebies. Wouldn’t it be so much better to wake up to, “I am in charge of how I feel today.”? Heck yes! 2.) Limit Social Media: It can be so easy to get lost in comparisons or feel so dang depressed when you look at everyone living their best life on social media. News alert: your friends aren’t doing exciting things 24/7. To give yourself a reality check, think about either 1.) taking a few days off social media 2.) restraining from immediately scrolling through your social media apps as soon as you get up or 3.) limiting your time spent on social media each day. The new Screen Time and App Limit features on iOS 12 are pretty cool. You can see how much time you’re spending on certain apps and also set limitations. Once your limit is reached, the app is blocked on your phone. Check out on these features here. 3.) Get Inspired Through Podcasts: There’s a reason you shower every day and a reason to practice positivity each day. All that negativity can build up and needs to be cleansed on the daily. I often find that I start a lot of books and never finish them. So I’ve turned to podcasts, which I can listen to during my daily commute rather than getting lost in emails or social media. Some of my favorites for empowerment, inspiration and entrepreneurship are: TED Talks, Courage & Clarity, She Did It Her Way, The Turnaround and How I Built This. I also just started using Audible so that I can listen to books. I simply never get around to finding the solitude to read a book in hard copy or lose my spot because I never use bookmarks, so this has been a game changer. I just listed to “How Will You Measure Your Life?” and highly recommend. Plus, I heard you can share books with friends on Audible, so if anyone would like to listen to this book, let me know! 4.) Let Go of All That Excess Stuff: I’ll admit. I’m a hoarder. I just always think there will be a use for something down the road! Like those scrunchies from middle school that are making their way trendy again! Selling our house has been a bit of a godsend in nudging me to JUST LET GO! Physical clutter can lead to mental clutter so I’ve made a practice of picking one room each weekend to purge. And already, I’m feeling the levity. So where does all this stuff go? I’ve either donated the clothing or, I’ve been using two apps: letgo and OfferUp to make a little side cash on things that weren’t providing me much value anyway.  We literally sold a bag of rocks. There’s someone out there who will pay $5 for anything – anything! 5.) Express Gratitude: The real secret to having it all, is realizing what you already have. Each night for the past week I’ve said thanks for 3 things that brought happiness to my day. No matter how small. Like, I found a parking spot so I wasn’t late to my 6 a.m. fitness class like I was last week. Or how lucky I am that when I get home late at night, my husband has dinner waiting. It would be easy to grumble about working late. But when you frame it in a positive, it washes over the negativity. If you keep a journal, write down the 3 things that you’re grateful for each day. If that’s not your jam, say it out loud. There’s something about writing it down or saying it out loud that gives it more lasting meaning. After all, feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is liking buy a present and never giving it. Gift yourself gratitude and see just how great every day truly is. Put yourself first today…and every day. Self love isn’t selfish. It’s necessary each and every day. Let’s do away with Self-Care Sunday and make every day a celebration. Have additional thoughts on living with positivity? I’d love to hear them! Feel free to comment below or send me a message.

The post Self-Care Sunday…and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. appeared first on The Shooks Life.


Some days you go to the gym and eat salads, Sundays you eat Fruity Pebble cookies and don’t put pants on. You gotta nourish to flourish, ya know?

It’s another SMonday…that time when it stops feeling like Sunday, and starts feeling like Monday. All that weight and baggage can be heavy. And so there’s a reason we call it “Self-Care Sunday”. But what about all the others days of the week? Are we treating ourselves like sh*t day in day out? What if we practiced a little more positivity, a little more self love and care…each and every day of the week? In this week’s post, I’m sharing some of my favorite practices for adding a little more positivity to every day. Because you deserve it!

What spurred all of this yearning for a bit more self-care was a healthy dose of madness this month. Starting a new role at work, while playing double duty with my old role, annual review season and selling our house had me brimming with businessness and yearning for…less. Less noise, less negativity and less of the stuff that wasn’t adding value to my everyday. So I made a choice. To not get lost in the madness. To not get overwhelmed. And to focus on a practice of positivity. Here are my top 5 tips. I hope this helps bring a bit more joy in your day as we face a new week and new month.

Top 10 Tips for Living a Life of Positivity….Every Day of the Week

1.) Write Yourself Love Letters: Nope, not the kind that you silently passed to the boy (or girl) next to you in middle school. The kind that set the tone for a kick *ss day. Notes like, “I can do all the things” or “Everything always works out for me.” I like to put post-its at my desk as a reminder that “Hey, I got this!”. Or, you can use these little love memos as the labels for your daily alarm (as shown above). Who likes to wake up to, “Alarm”?That just gives me all the heebies jeebies. Wouldn’t it be so much better to wake up to, “I am in charge of how I feel today.”? Heck yes!

2.) Limit Social Media: It can be so easy to get lost in comparisons or feel so dang depressed when you look at everyone living their best life on social media. News alert: your friends aren’t doing exciting things 24/7. To give yourself a reality check, think about either 1.) taking a few days off social media 2.) restraining from immediately scrolling through your social media apps as soon as you get up or 3.) limiting your time spent on social media each day. The new Screen Time and App Limit features on iOS 12 are pretty cool. You can see how much time you’re spending on certain apps and also set limitations. Once your limit is reached, the app is blocked on your phone. Check out on these features here.

3.) Get Inspired Through Podcasts: There’s a reason you shower every day and a reason to practice positivity each day. All that negativity can build up and needs to be cleansed on the daily. I often find that I start a lot of books and never finish them. So I’ve turned to podcasts, which I can listen to during my daily commute rather than getting lost in emails or social media. Some of my favorites for empowerment, inspiration and entrepreneurship are: TED Talks, Courage & Clarity, She Did It Her Way, The Turnaround and How I Built This.

I also just started using Audible so that I can listen to books. I simply never get around to finding the solitude to read a book in hard copy or lose my spot because I never use bookmarks, so this has been a game changer. I just listed to “How Will You Measure Your Life?” and highly recommend. Plus, I heard you can share books with friends on Audible, so if anyone would like to listen to this book, let me know!

4.) Let Go of All That Excess Stuff: I’ll admit. I’m a hoarder. I just always think there will be a use for something down the road! Like those scrunchies from middle school that are making their way trendy again! Selling our house has been a bit of a godsend in nudging me to JUST LET GO! Physical clutter can lead to mental clutter so I’ve made a practice of picking one room each weekend to purge. And already, I’m feeling the levity. So where does all this stuff go? I’ve either donated the clothing or, I’ve been using two apps: letgo and OfferUp to make a little side cash on things that weren’t providing me much value anyway.  We literally sold a bag of rocks. There’s someone out there who will pay $5 for anything – anything!

5.) Express Gratitude: The real secret to having it all, is realizing what you already have. Each night for the past week I’ve said thanks for 3 things that brought happiness to my day. No matter how small. Like, I found a parking spot so I wasn’t late to my 6 a.m. fitness class like I was last week. Or how lucky I am that when I get home late at night, my husband has dinner waiting. It would be easy to grumble about working late. But when you frame it in a positive, it washes over the negativity. If you keep a journal, write down the 3 things that you’re grateful for each day. If that’s not your jam, say it out loud. There’s something about writing it down or saying it out loud that gives it more lasting meaning. After all, feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is liking buy a present and never giving it. Gift yourself gratitude and see just how great every day truly is.

Put yourself first today…and every day. Self love isn’t selfish. It’s necessary each and every day. Let’s do away with Self-Care Sunday and make every day a celebration.

Have additional thoughts on living with positivity? I’d love to hear them! Feel free to comment below or send me a message.

The post Self-Care Sunday…and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. appeared first on The Shooks Life.

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