• Pancake Pizza Mash-Up

    Pancake Pizza - Sliced

    Pancake meets pizza. A love child is born. And I’m smitten. Pancake pizza is my latest brainchild fueled by too much coffee and too many fresh berries. What’s a girl to do but find a way to put that caffeinated energy to use in developing a simple morning treat that you and kiddos will love! This pancake pizza features my favorite oatmeal blender pancakes smothered with crunchy pecan butter, homemade jam, fresh berries and a drizzle of syrup. It’s that easy! Slice into the recipe details and more ideas for toppers below.

  • Whole30 Survival Guide: Final Frontier

    Whole30 Recipes

    Eat well, move daily, laugh often, sleep lots and love your body. Repeat for life.

    Is it really that simple? Maybe. At least it feels a heckuva lot simpler on Day 21 of Whole30. Scientists are still arguing whether 21 days is truly the magic number for forming a good habit, but I’m starting to believe in the magic. Meal prep is the norm, I’ve got a roster of MVF’s (most valuable foods) to save the day and the sugar dragons seem to be hibernating for the winter. Sure, I’m still looking forward to tacos in Mexico in 2 weeks, but I’m also not agonizing over my every meal. Hopefully you’re feeling those good habit vibes, but if you’re still looking for some recipes to shake up the last nine days and tips to surviving social outings, you’ve come to the right place! Read on for the dEATs.

  • Pop it like it’s hot

    paleo pop tarts

    Poppin’ these paleo pop tarts like I’m back in the 5th grade skipping down the street with my Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper in clean white Keds. Except these aren’t your average sugar laden pop tarts. Made with clean ingredients so you can happily snack while you Skip-It. Totally aging myself at this point, but if you want to take a trip down memory lane, check out the dEATs for these Paleo Pop Tarts with Strawberry Chia Jam.