
Meghan's favorite workouts, gyms and studios, as well as gym and studio reviews. Really anything that gets the blood pumping! Fitness Reviews.

  • Gloves Up!

    barre boxing class

    Wham bam, thank you ma’am.

    Thanks to @asweatlife for another bad*ss event with a barre/boxing mash-up led by @tristagreco and @cbels23. The event was part of a full day of empowering events in support of Equal Pay Day on April 10. The date symbolizes how far into the year women have to work to earn what men earned in the previous year. Women get paid on average $0.80 to every $1.00 that men are paid for a variety of reasons – choice of occupation, maternity leave, lack of negotiation skills/confidence, etc. It’s an important issue and one that is near and dear to my heart as a woman in business.

  • Bouldering Badass

    indoor bouldering gym

    When Monday looks like a mountain with a special entanglement of madness, take a deep breath. Foam floors are meant for falls and those falls mold us into our best selves.

    I spent my Sunday afternoon conquering (indoor) mountains at @firstascentclimbing, an indoor bouldering gym in Chicago. My little urban adventure did include some falls, but in the end, I felt like a real life spider woman – super powers and all.