DEFINE Your Own Joy
Like breathing, the more we let go, the more we let in….I may not be an acrobat. Or a gymnast. And I’m not one to stop moving. Or thinking. But these are all ways that I define myself. And those definitions become guardrails. But when you let go of what you “are”, you let in room to become…what you may be. So maybe I am an acrobat. A novice, uncoordinated one, but I’m letting in that growth. And you know what, it’s kinda fun? Want to experience that trapeze artist, bouncing off the walls high…or just let in a little more personal growth? Read on for some tips to let go, let in and let loose at DEFINE Austin.
I like to make it a habit to be…uncomfortable. Why? Because it sets me up for those life moments when I don’t get to choose to be uncomfortable. It trains me to deal with things, feelings, people I’ve never dealt with before so I can navigate that ambiguity like a pro when I need to in my day-to-day. Because working in innovation means the path is almost never clear. And it can be frustrating, agonizing even, to not know what to do, to not be an expert, to not have the answers. But all of those things add up to self growth. Change may be inevitable, but growth? Growth is intentional.
When I first moved to Austin, one of my first intentional acts of growth was to try a new studio and a new class: the DEFINE BOUNCE – 45 minutes of bouncing on a trampoline. What could be more joy inducing than bouncing around with a bunch of strangers to start your day? Little did I realize that my instructor, Leigh Anne Spencer, was a real live Energizer Bunny. This wasn’t the backyard trampolining that my 5-year-old self had mastered, this was hyper speed bouncing, kicking, punching insanity. And I loved every minute of it. Was I able to keep up the pace? Most of the time. Was there some choreo that I completely skipped to bounce as high as I could bounce? You bet. Is there where my addiction to DEFINE started? Yesiree.
On a literal high from all that bouncing, I was feeling bold. Bold enough to try…hanging from the ceiling by a few ribbons. The DEFINEmind class on Sunday evenings is an opportunity to literally unwind. The class starts by nestling in a hammock like your own personal cocoon to decompress. Then things turn upside down as the class is guided in suspension movements to enable deep stretching, test your balance and your strength. Did some of those moments upside down feel like eons? Sure did. Did I want those moments in the cocoon with my eyes closed to never end? Yes, please. Is it a Sunday routine that is the definition of a reset? Like magic.
There’s also nothing wrong with getting comfortable in your cozy zone. And as a former cycling instructor, the bike is my chariot. While I loved the high of teaching and inspiring, there’s a different kind of joy that comes with just riding your bike, not knowing what’s to come next. And the wildest ride yet at DEFINE was with Mr. Ricky Hodge at the podium. Expect oddly perfect pairings like dance-inducing V-ups to Dolly Parton. Don’t know what a V-up is? Guess you’d better go and find out! The class is rhythmic-based, so expect to get lost in the music without any competitive metrics to create anxiety. It’s all fun ‘n games until that sprint out of the saddle.
If I had listened to the doubts in my mind, I never would have trusted those ribbons to allow me to be the aerial princess I never thought I’d become. Or experience the laugh out loud joy of bouncing on a trampoline with 12 strangers before 7 a.m.
So do yourself a favor and quit comparing your start to someone else’s middle…or even end. Allow yourself to be a beginner. Be unafraid. Be without expectations.
